Song E Yoon
I researched intangible dimension through the media with the theory of 20c media, modern science and philosophy. Therefore, I designate about my works as ‘ INTANGIBLE ART’ that is a new multimedia art genre. ‘INTANGIBLE ART’ is a new multimedia art genre by myself, contact to between materials and immaterials that is expressing spiritual or invisible things thereby using various media. I was published by my theory ‘INTANGIBLE ART’, what is meant and expressed through my works in a master’s thesis, in 2018.
‘INTANGIBLE ART’ divided into four categories depends on expression mode “Process Art, Medium characteristics of materials as light ·sound ·space, Moving and Cycling, Materialization of code and network” and wrote in symbol as M² I. Process Art is displayed the process of progress for work of arts in the exhibition hall. Next, Medium characteristics of materials as light ·sound ·space focus on materials of light ·sound ·space’s harmony and balance. Third, Moving and Cycling express overshoot daily phenomenon as gravity and evaporation through natural energy. Finally, Materialization of code and network shows the process of intangible energy through the online network.
In my works, I got to know, ‘INTANGIBLE ART’ has a visible form as a process included invisible meaning.
Thesis Link